Website Building » Shopify » How Do I Remove a Button From Shopify?

How Do I Remove a Button From Shopify?

Last updated on January 13, 2023 @ 2:55 am

If you want to remove a button from your Shopify store, there are a few different ways you can do this. Depending on the type of button, you may be able to delete it directly from the theme editor, or you may need to use some basic HTML and CSS to remove it.

Deleting a Button From the Theme Editor

If the button you want to remove is part of your theme, then the easiest way to remove it is by deleting it directly from the theme editor. To do this, log into your Shopify account and go to Online Store > Themes. Find the theme you’re currently using and click on the Actions button.

From the dropdown menu, select Edit code.

In the Layout section of the code editor, look for the file that contains the button code. For example, if the button is in your header, look for header.liquid. Once you’ve found the correct file, look for the code that contains the button. It will look something like this:

<a href="/cart" class="button">View Cart</a>

To remove this button, simply delete this code and click Save. The button will now be removed from your store.

Removing a Button Using HTML and CSS

If the button you want to remove is not part of your theme, or if you're not using a Shopify-supported theme, then you'll need to remove it using HTML and CSS. In the Assets section of the code editor, look for your stylesheet file and open it up. This is usually called stylesheet.css but may have a different name depending on your theme. Once you've found your stylesheet file, scroll down until you find the code for your button. It will look something like this:

.button {  
      background: #000000;  
      color: #ffffff;  

.button:hover {  
      background: #333333;  

To remove this button completely, delete all of this code and save your changes. The button will now be removed from your store frontend

PRO TIP: Warning: Removing a button from Shopify may affect your website's functionality.
Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.