Website Building » Shopify » How Many Variants Are Allowed in Shopify?

How Many Variants Are Allowed in Shopify?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 12:54 am

When it comes to variants in Shopify, there is no set limit. You can have as many variants as you want for your products.

However, keep in mind that the more variants you have, the more difficult it will be to manage your inventory. Too many variants can also make it difficult for customers to find the product they are looking for.

If you are selling products that come in different sizes, colors, or styles, then you will need to create a variant for each option. For example, if you are selling shirts that come in small, medium, and large, you will need to create three variants.

PRO TIP: There is no limit to the number of variants you can create for a product in Shopify. However, each variant must have a unique SKU, so you may need to purchase a Shopify plan that supports more SKUs if you plan on creating a large number of variants for a single product.

If you are selling shirts that come in red, blue, and green, you will need to create three variants. And if you are selling shirts that come in short sleeve, long sleeve, and tank top, you will need to create three variants.

You can also have multiple options for each variant. For example, if you are selling shirts that come in small, medium, and large, you can have two colors available for each size. This would mean that you would have six variants total.

The important thing to remember is that each variant needs its own SKU (stock keeping unit). This is how Shopify will keep track of your inventory for each product. So if you have too many variants, it will become very difficult to keep track of your inventory levels.

If you are just starting out with Shopify, we recommend keeping your variants to a minimum. You can always add more later as your business grows.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.