Website Building » Squarespace » How Do I Change the Form Button in Squarespace?

How Do I Change the Form Button in Squarespace?

Last updated on December 30, 2022 @ 8:48 pm

As a Squarespace user, you may want to change the form button on your site from time to time. Maybe you want to use a different color or style, or perhaps you want to add an icon to the button.

Whatever the reason, it’s easy to change the form button in Squarespace. Here’s how:

1. Log in to your Squarespace account and go to the Settings panel.

2. In the Settings panel, click on the Forms tab.

3. Find the form that you want to edit and click on the Edit button.

4. In the Edit Form window, scroll down to the Button section.

To change the text on the button:

  1. In the “Button Text” field, delete the existing text and type in the new text that you want to use.

  2. To change the color of the button:

  3. Click on the color square next to “Button Color”. A color picker will appear. Use the color picker to select a new color for your button.

  4. (Advanced) To add an icon to the button:

  5. (This feature is only available in Squarespace 7.1 and above. )
  6. In the “Button Icon”> field, type in or paste the URL of an image that you want to use as an icon for your button.

  7. (Advanced) To add padding around your button icon:

  8. (This feature is only available in Squarespace 7. )
  9. In the field, type in or paste the desired amount of padding (in pixels) that you want around your button icon. “Button Padding”, type in or paste field, type in or paste.

    The process for changing a form button in Squarespace is easy and straightforward. Simply log into your account, go to Settings, select Forms, choose the form you wish to edit, and then scroll down to Button.

    From there, you can change the text, color, and even add an icon. With just a few clicks, you can have a completely customized form button that matches your website’s look and feel.

    PRO TIP: If you are not comfortable working with code, we recommend finding a Squarespace developer to help you with this. Making changes to your button code can result in unexpected changes on your live site if not done correctly.
Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.