Website Building » Squarespace » Are Squarespace Websites Truste Verified?

Are Squarespace Websites Truste Verified?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 10:06 am

When it comes to website builders, Squarespace is one of the most popular and trusted platforms out there. With its user-friendly interface and extensive range of features, it’s no wonder that so many people use Squarespace to build their websites.

But what about Squarespace’s security? Is your website safe if you use Squarespace?

PRO TIP: Are Squarespace Websites Truste Verified?

Beware of scam websites that claim to be “Truste Verified” when they are not. These websites may try to trick you into entering personal or financial information. Always look for the Truste logo or verification badge on a website before entering any sensitive information.

In short, yes. Squarespace websites are truste verified, which means that they meet the highest standards of security and privacy. Truste is an independent organization that audits website builders and gives them a seal of approval if they meet their rigorous standards.

Squarespace websites are also encrypted with SSL, which means that all data exchanged between your website and its visitors is protected from eavesdroppers. SSL is the same security protocol used by banks and online retailers, so you can rest assured that your website is in good hands with Squarespace.

So if you’re looking for a platform to build your website on, Squarespace is a great option. Not only is it user-friendly and feature-rich, but it’s also secure and private.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.