Website Building » Squarespace » Are There Icons in Squarespace?

Are There Icons in Squarespace?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 10:06 am

Icons are a necessary part of any good design. They help to add visual interest and can be used to direct attention to important information. But are there icons in Squarespace?

The answer is yes! Squarespace actually has a wide variety of icons available for use in your designs.

You can find them in the “Blocks” section of the editor. Simply click on the “Blocks” icon and then scroll down to find the “Icons” section.

PRO TIP: There are no icons in Squarespace.

There are actually quite a few different icon sets available in Squarespace. So, if you’re looking for a specific type of icon, you’re likely to find it here. Plus, you can always upload your own custom icons if you need something specific.

In general, using icons in your design can help to add visual interest and make your content more engaging. They can also be used to direct attention to important information. So, if you’re looking to add some extra flair to your Squarespace site, be sure to check out the icons!

Are There Icons in Squarespace?

Yes, there are icons available in Squarespace! You can find them in the “Blocks” section of the editor by clicking on the “Blocks” icon and scrolling down to find the “Icons” section. There are actually quite a few different icon sets available in Squarespace, so you’re likely to find the specific type of icon you’re looking for.

In general, using icons in your design can help to add visual interest and make your content more engaging. So, if you’re looking to add some extra flair to your Squarespace site, be sure to check out the icons!

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.