Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Show Video in WooCommerce Product?

How Do I Show Video in WooCommerce Product?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 12:07 am

Adding video to your product pages can be a great way to show off your products in action, and can help increase conversions. Luckily, there are a few different ways to add video to WooCommerce product pages. In this article, we’ll show you how to add video to WooCommerce product pages using the built-in video feature, as well as how to add video using the Video Thumbnails plugin.

Adding Video to WooCommerce Product Pages Using the Built-In Video Feature

WooCommerce comes with a built-in video feature that allows you to easily add videos to your product pages. To use this feature, first you’ll need to upload your video files to a third-party hosting service like YouTube or Vimeo. Once you have your videos hosted, you can then add them to your product pages using the following steps.

PRO TIP: If you are planning to show video in your WooCommerce product, be aware that there are some potential risks.

Some videos may not be compatible with WooCommerce, and could cause problems with your product display. Additionally, if you are using a video hosting service like YouTube, there is a possibility that your video could be taken down or removed without notice. This could result in a broken link on your product page, and could frustrate customers who are trying to view your product video.

Before adding video to your WooCommerce product, be sure to test it thoroughly to ensure compatibility, and be prepared for the possibility that your video could be removed without warning.

  1. Log into your WordPress site and go to your Dashboard.
  2. On the Dashboard, hover over the ‘WooCommerce’ menu item and click on ‘Products’.
  3. From the ‘Products’ page, click on the name of the product you want to add a video to.
  4. On the ‘Edit Product’ page, scroll down to the ‘Product Data’ section and click on the ‘Videos’ tab.
  5. In the ‘Video URL’ field, enter the URL of the video you want to add. You can also add a title and description for your video in the corresponding fields.
  6. Click on the ‘Add Video’ button.

Your video will now be added to your WooCommerce product page. You can repeat these steps for each video you want to add.

Adding Video to WooCommerce Product Pages Using the Video Thumbnails Plugin

If you don’t want to use WooCommerce’s built-in video feature, or if you want more control over how your videos are displayed on your product pages, you can use the Video Thumbnails plugin. This plugin allows you to upload videos directly to your WordPress site and then automatically generate thumbnail images for those videos. You can then display those thumbnail images on your product pages.

  1. Install and activate the Video Thumbnails plugin.
  2. Upload your videos to your WordPress site using the ‘Media > Add New’ page.
  3. Once your videos are uploaded, go to the ‘Settings >Video Thumbnails’ page and configure the plugin settings accordingto your needs.

Note: If you’re not sure what settings to use, we recommend leavingthe default settings unchanged.

  1. Click onthe ‘Generate thumbnails’ button atthe bottom ofthepage.

Your videos will now have thumbnail images whichyou can displayonyourproduct pages.

To do this, edita productand scroll down toWooCommerce Product Data section.

In thenew ‘ProductThumbnails’ metabox that appears, select athumbnail formyournewvideoand click onthe ‘Insert into post’button.

Youcan alsousethe shortcodegeneratorbuttonsatthetopofthis metabox ifyoupreferto inserta shortcodeintoyourproductdescription instead.

Don’t forgetto saveyour changeswhenyou’re done.

That’s it!You shouldnow havea workingvideoonyourWooCommerceproduct page.

Ifyou runinto anytrouble,be suretocheckoutthe documentationfor more help.


Addingvideo toyourWooCommerceshopcanbe agreatwaytogetmore eyesonyourproductsandincreaseconversions.

Inthisarticle we showedyoutwowaysyoucanaddvideo toyourproductpages:by usingWooCommerce’sbuilt-invideofeatureor by installingand configuringtheVideo Thumbnailsplugin.

Doyou haveanyquestionsabouthowtoaddvideotoyourWooCommerceshop?Letusknowin thecommentssectionbelow!

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.