Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Use WooCommerce Wishlist?

How Do I Use WooCommerce Wishlist?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 12:11 am

If you’re looking for a way to let your customers save items for later purchase on your WooCommerce store, then you’ll want to check out the Wishlist feature. Here’s how to use it.

Once you’ve installed and activated the WooCommerce Wishlist plugin, there will be a new “Wishlist” tab added to your WordPress Dashboard. From here, you can manage your customers’ Wishlists, as well as add and edit the items that they can save.

To add an item to a customer’s Wishlist, simply go to the product page and click on the “Add to Wishlist” button. The item will then be added to their list, which they can access from their My Account page.

PRO TIP: If you are using WooCommerce Wishlist, please be aware that it is no longer being developed or maintained. We recommend that you switch to a different solution as soon as possible.

Customers can also add items to their Wishlist from the product search results page and the shop page by clicking on the “Add to Wishlist” button next to the product name.

To view and manage a customer’s Wishlist, go to their profile page in the WordPress Dashboard. From here, you can see all the items that they’ve added, as well as edit or delete them if needed.

How Do I Use WooCommerce Wishlist?

The WooCommerce Wishlist feature is a great way to let your customers save items for later purchase on your store. Simply install and activate the plugin, then add and manage items from your WordPress Dashboard.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.