Website Building » Shopify » What Is a Product Type in Shopify?

What Is a Product Type in Shopify?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 2:47 am

What Is a Product Type in Shopify?

In Shopify, a product type is a collection of products that have similar characteristics. For example, you might have a product type for t-shirts, which would include all the different t-shirts that you sell.

Product types are useful for organizing your products and for creating collections. For example, you could create a collection of all the products in a particular product type.

PRO TIP: Product types in Shopify are a way to group products with similar characteristics. They can be used to filter products, create collections, and set up automatic discounts. However, product types can also be used to create confusion and frustration for customers.

When creating products, be sure to use consistent and clear product types. This will help your customers find the products they are looking for, and make it easier for them to compare similar products.

You can add as many product types as you need to your Shopify store, and you can change the name and description of each product type at any time.

A product type in Shopify is a collection of products that share similar characteristics. This is useful for organization and for creating collections.

For example, you could create a collection of all t-shirts or all shoes. You can add as many product types as you need to your Shopify store, and you can change the name and description of each product type at any time.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.