Website Building » Shopify » Does Shopify Allow Custom Domains?

Does Shopify Allow Custom Domains?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 3:21 am

Shopify is a platform that allows users to create an online store. One of the great features of Shopify is that it allows users to use a custom domain for their store. This means that users can use their own domain name (such as instead of the default Shopify domain (such as

Using a custom domain has a few advantages. First, it makes your store look more professional. Second, it can help with branding and marketing efforts (since people are more likely to remember a custom domain than a generic one).

PRO TIP: Shopify does not allow custom domains. Any attempt to use a custom domain will result in an error.

So, does Shopify allow custom domains? Yes, it does! You can either use a domain that you already own or purchase a new one directly from Shopify.


Yes, Shopify does allow custom domains! You can either use a domain that you already own or purchase a new one directly from Shopify.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.