Website Building » Shopify » What Are Shipping Zones Shopify?

What Are Shipping Zones Shopify?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 4:34 am

What Are Shipping Zones?

Shipping zones are determined by the location of your customers in relation to your business. By understanding shipping zones, you can better manage your shipping costs and delivery times. There are two types of shipping zones: domestic and international.

Domestic shipping zones are determined by the country in which your business is located. For example, if you’re based in the United States, your domestic shipping zones would be within the United States. Typically, domestic shipping is cheaper and faster than international shipping.

PRO TIP: If you are planning on using Shopify to ship your products, be aware that there are shipping zones that you need to be aware of. Depending on where you are shipping your products to, you will need to use a different shipping zone. Make sure to research the shipping zones before you start using Shopify so that you can avoid any potential problems.

International shipping zones are determined by the countries that you ship to. For example, if you’re based in the United States and you ship to Canada, your international shipping zone would be Canada. Shipping internationally can be more expensive and take longer than domestic shipping.

When you’re setting up your shipping in Shopify, you’ll need to select the countries that you want to ship to. Based on your selection, Shopify will automatically generate a list of shipping zones for you. From there, you can add specific rates for each shipping zone.

In conclusion, shipping zones are determined by the location of your customers in relation to your business. Domestic shipping zones are within the same country as your business, while international shipping zones are outside of your business’s country.

You’ll need to select the countries that you want to ship to when setting up your Shopify account. After doing so, Shopify will generate a list of shipping zones for you to add specific rates for each one.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.