Website Building » Shopify » What Is a Shopify Handle?

What Is a Shopify Handle?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 4:42 am

A handle is a unique identifier that is used to reference an object in Shopify. Handles are used by theShopify platform to identify products, collections, orders, pages, and blog posts. A product handle is a unique identifier that is used to reference a product in Shopify. A collection handle is a unique identifier that is used to reference a collection in Shopify.

An order handle is a unique identifier that is used to reference an order in Shopify. A page handle is a unique identifier that is used to reference a page in Shopify. A blog post handle is a unique identifier that is used to reference a blog post in Shopify.

What Is a Shopify Handle?

A handle is a unique identifier that helps Shopify keep track of your store’s products, collections, orders, pages, and blog posts. By using handles,Shopify can quickly and easily locate the information you need without having to search through all of your store’s data. Each type of data in your store has its own handle, so you can easily reference the exact piece of information you need.

Product Handles

A product handle is a unique identifier that helps Shopify keep track of your store’s products. By using product handles, you can quickly and easily locate the information you need without having to search through all of your store’s data. You can use product handles to reference products in your shop or on your website.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about creating a Shopify handle, be aware that this is a potentially dangerous move. A Shopify handle is an online identifier that can be used to track your activity on the Shopify website. This information can be used to target you with ads and other marketing materials, and it can also be accessed by third-party applications that you may not be aware of.

Collection Handles

A collection handle is a unique identifier that helps Shopify keep track of your store’s collections. By using collection handles, you can quickly and easily locate the information you need without having to search through all of your store’s data. You can use collection handles to reference collections on your website or in your shop.

Order Handles

An order handle is a unique identifier that helps Shopify keep track of your store’s orders. By using order handles, you can quickly and easily locate the information you need without having to search through all of your store’s data. You can use order handles to reference orders on your website or in your shop.

Page Handles

A page handle is a unique identifier that helps Shopify keep track of your store’s pages. By using page handles, you can quickly and easily locate the information you need without having to search through all of your store’s data. You can use page handles to reference pages on your website or in your shop.

Conclusion: In conclusion, a Shopify handle, Is a unique identifier used by theShopify platform which enables quick identification (in seconds), easy retrieval (of needed information), and easy manipulation (of desired objects).

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.