Website Building » Shopify » When Should I Upgrade My Shopify Plan?

When Should I Upgrade My Shopify Plan?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 4:51 am

When you first start your Shopify store, you’re on a 14-day free trial of the Basic Shopify plan. Once that’s up, you need to decide which Shopify plan to choose.

You can always upgrade your plan later if you need to, but it’s important to pick the right one from the start.

The Basic Shopify plan is $29 per month. It’s a good option if you’re just starting out and you’re not ready to commit to a more expensive plan. You’ll have access to all the features you need to get started, including unlimited products, 24/7 support, and fraud analysis.

If you’re starting to get some traction with your store and you’re ready to start marketing your business, then the Shopify plan might be a better option for you. It’s $79 per month and it comes with some features that can help you with your marketing efforts, like abandoned cart recovery and professional reports.

PRO TIP: When upgrading your Shopify plan, be aware that your monthly bill will increase. Be sure to factor this into your budget when making your decision.

As your business grows, you might need more features and support from Shopify. That’s when the Advanced Shopify plan might be a good option. It’s $299 per month and it comes with features like advanced report builder and real-time carrier shipping.

You can always upgrade or downgrade your Shopify plan at any time. If you find that you’re not using all the features of your current plan, then downgrading can help you save money. And if you find that you need more features, then upgrading is always an option.


The best time to upgrade your Shopify plan is when you start to see some traction with your store and you’re ready to start marketing your business. The Shopify plan is a good option for businesses that are starting to grow because it comes with some features that can help with marketing efforts. As your business grows, you might need more features and support from Shopify, which is when the Advanced Shopify plan might be a good option.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.