Website Building » Shopify » Can I Add Notes to Shopify Checkout?

Can I Add Notes to Shopify Checkout?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 4:56 am

Adding notes to your Shopify checkout is a great way to personalize the shopping experience for your customers. You can use notes to thank customers for their purchase, provide instructions on how to use your products, or simply give them a heads up on what’s coming next. Best of all, adding notes to your checkout is easy to do!

There are two ways to add notes to your Shopify checkout. The first is to add them directly to the checkout page itself.

PRO TIP: If you are considering adding notes to your Shopify checkout, be aware that this could cause issues with your order fulfillment. Adding notes to your checkout could result in your orders being delayed or even lost, so only do this if you are absolutely sure that you can handle the potential consequences.

To do this, simply navigate to the “Checkout” page in your Shopify admin and scroll down to the “Order Notes” section. Here, you can enter any notes that you want customers to see when they reach the checkout page.

The second way to add notes to your Shopify checkout is through the use of the Order Printer app. This app allows you to add notes (as well as other information) to an order confirmation email that is sent out after a customer completes their purchase. To use this app, simply install it from the Shopify App Store and follow the instructions on how to set it up.

No matter which method you choose, adding notes to your Shopify checkout is a great way to personalize the shopping experience for your customers. So why not give it a try today?

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.