Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Add Products to Facebook Catalog From WooCommerce?

How Do I Add Products to Facebook Catalog From WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 1:01 am

Adding products to your Facebook Catalog from WooCommerce is a great way to increase your reach and sales. There are a few things to keep in mind when doing this, however, such as making sure your products are properly categorized and that the correct pricing is displayed. Here are the steps to take to add products to your Facebook Catalog from WooCommerce:

1. Log in to your WordPress site and go to WooCommerce > Settings.

From here, select the Integrations tab and then scroll down to find Facebook. Select the checkbox next to Enable Facebook Product Feed.

2. Once you have enabled the Facebook Product Feed, a new Feed URL will be generated. Copy this URL and head over to your Facebook Business Manager.

3. In your Business Manager, go to Catalog Manager > Add Products. Select the Use Data Feed option and then paste the URL you copied from WooCommerce into the File URL field.

Note: If you have a large number of products, it’s recommended that you upload your product data using a .csv file instead of using a URL feed. This can be done by selecting the Use Upload File option instead and then following the instructions on how to properly format your .csv file.

4. After you have added your products, it’s important to categorize them correctly..

You can do this by going back into WooCommerce and making sure that each product is properly tagged with the correct category. You can also do this directly from within Facebook Business Manager by going to Catalog Manager > Categories.

PRO TIP: If you are using the WooCommerce plugin to sell products on your WordPress site, you may be wondering how to add those products to your Facebook Catalog. The process is actually quite simple, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

First, you need to make sure that your WooCommerce products are properly configured. Each product should have a name, price, description, and image. If any of these fields are missing, your products will not be imported correctly into Facebook Catalog.

Next, you need to install and activate the Facebook for WooCommerce plugin. Once activated, you will need to connect your WooCommerce store to your Facebook account. This can be done by going to the plugin settings page and clicking on the “Connect” button.

Once your store is connected, you can go to the “Products” tab in the plugin settings and select which products you want to import into Facebook Catalog. By default, all WooCommerce products will be imported, but you can deselect any that you don’t want included.

Finally, click on the “Import” button and your selected products will be added to your Facebook Catalog!

5. The last step is setting up your pricing.

You can set up pricing for your products in two ways: by setting up a dynamic pricing rule or by manually setting prices for each product.

6. To set up dynamic pricing rules, go back into WooCommerce and select the product you want to edit.

Under the “Pricing” tab, select “Dynamic Pricing.” From here you can create rules based on things like quantity purchased or user role.

Adding products to your Facebook Catalog from WooCommerce is a great way increase your reach and sales. A few key points need kept in mind when taking this action such as making sure all products are properly categorized with corresponding prices displayed correctly. Following these simple steps will lead adding products from WooCommerce onto Facebook Catalog without any issue: 1) Log into WordPress site then select ‘WooCommerce’ located in settings tab 2) After selecting ‘WooCommerce’ , choose ‘Integrations’ then scroll down page until finding ‘Facebook’ 3) Check mark ‘Enable Facebook Product Feed’ then a new ‘Feed URL’ will be generated 4) Copy URL then head over to ‘Facebook Business Manager’ 5) Once in ‘Business Manager’ , go to ‘Catalog Manager’ followed by choosing ‘Add Products’ 6) There should be two options , select ‘Use Data Feed’ then paste copied URL into ‘File URL’ field 7) If large number of products , it’s recommended uploading product data using .csv file by selecting ‘Use Upload File’ 8) After adding products , its crucial categorize them correctly which can done by going back into WooCommerce 9) Make sure each product tagged with matching category then save changes 10) Lastly , set up pricing for products either through dynamic pricing rule or manually setting prices

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.