Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Add Variations in WooCommerce Product Programmatically?

How Do I Add Variations in WooCommerce Product Programmatically?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 1:03 am

If you want to add variations to a WooCommerce product programmatically, you can do so by using the WC_Product_Variable class. This class allows you to add variations to a product programmatically, as well as set their individual prices, descriptions, and other data. You can also use this class to remove variations from a product.

To add variations to a product using the WC_Product_Variable class, first instantiate the class for the product you want to add variations to. Then, call the create_new_product_variation() method on the product object, passing in an array of variation data. This array should include the variation’s ID, price, and any other data you want to set for the variation.

Once you have created a new variation using the create_new_product_variation() method, you can set its individual data by calling the set_variation_data() method on the variation object. This method accepts an array of data that will be used to update the variation’s information. The array should include the variation’s ID, price, description, and any other data you want to set for the variation.


You can add variations to a WooCommerce product programmatically by using the WC_Product_Variable class.

PRO TIP: Adding variations to a WooCommerce product programmatically can be tricky and may result in unexpected behavior. If you are not careful, you could end up with duplicate products, or products that are not properly linked to their variations. Proceed with caution and test thoroughly before adding variations to a WooCommerce product programmatically.
Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.