Do you want to display the latest product in your WooCommerce store on your website? If so, there are a few different ways you can do this.
One way is to use the WooCommerce Product Shortcode. This shortcode allows you to insert a product into any post or page on your website. To use it, simply add the following code to the post or page where you want the product to appear:
[product id=”123″]Replace “123” with the ID of the product you want to display.
Another way to display a specific product is to use the WooCommerce Product Page shortcode. This shortcode allows you to embed the full product page for a specific product into any post or page on your website. To use it, simply add the following code to the post or page where you want the product page to appear:
[product_page id=”123″]If you want to display multiple products on your website, you can use the WooCommerce Products shortcode. This shortcode allows you to insert a products grid or carousel into any post or page on your website. To use it, simply add the following code to the post or page where you want the products to appear:
[products]This will insert a grid of all products in your store. If you only want to display certain products, you can use category and tag filters. For example, if you only want to display products from the “Clothing” category, you would use this code:
[products category=”clothing”]You can also specify multiple categories by separating them with commas:
[products category=”clothing,shoes”]If you only want to display products with the “Sale” tag, you would use this code: [products tag=”sale”] You can also specify multiple tags by separating them with commas: [products tag=”sale,clearance”]
If you want to display products from multiple categories and/or tags, you can combine both filter types: [products category=”clothing” tag=”sale,clearance”]
The WooCommerce Products shortcode also has a number of other options that allow you to customize how the products are displayed. For more information on all of the available options, please see our documentation here:
Once you’ve added the shortcode(s) to your post or page, be sure to save or publish your changes before previewing the post or page on your website.