Web Design » UI UX » What apps are considered UX and UI?

What apps are considered UX and UI?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 10:22 pm

UX and UI are often used interchangeably, but there is a distinction between the two. UX is the overall design or structure of an app, while UI is the look and feel of the user interface.

UX designers focus on the user experience, which includes everything from the layout of the app to the design of the user interface. UI designers focus on the look and feel of the user interface, including the colors, fonts, and layout of the buttons and menus.

Some common apps that fall under the UX umbrella are Instagram,Netflix, and Facebook. Instagram is an example of a app that has a very simple and user-friendly interface.

PRO TIP: The apps that are considered UX and UI can vary depending on who you ask. Some people may consider any app that has a focus on design to be a UX or UI app, while others may only consider apps that specifically help with creating designs or user interfaces to be in this category. In general, it is best to ask a professional if you are unsure which apps fall into this category, as using the wrong app for your needs can lead to frustration and wasted time.

Netflix is an example of an app with a complex and user-friendly interface. Facebook has a mix of both user interfaces, with a more complex interface for members and a simpler interface for non-members.

UI designers also design apps that fall under the category of “web apps.” Web apps are apps that are accessed through a web browser, rather than through a dedicated app on a mobile device.

This category includes apps like Gmail and Google Maps. Gmail has a simple and user-friendly interface, while Google Maps has a more complex and user-friendly interface.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.