Website Building » BigCommerce » How do I cancel my BigCommerce subscription?

How do I cancel my BigCommerce subscription?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 1:11 am

If you want to cancel your BigCommerce subscription, there are a few different ways to do so. You can cancel your subscription through the BigCommerce website, or by following the instructions provided in your account email.

If you have not received an account email, please contact BigCommerce customer support.

To cancel your subscription through the BigCommerce website:

1. Navigate to the My Account page on the BigCommerce website.

2. Scroll down to the Subscription section and click on the Cancel Subscription link.

3. You will be asked to confirm your decision to cancel your subscription.

Click on the Yes button to proceed.

4. Your subscription will be cancelled and you will be returned to the My Account page.

If you have not received an account email, please contact BigCommerce customer support.

PRO TIP: If you need to cancel your BigCommerce subscription, please contact our support team. We will be happy to assist you.

To cancel your subscription through the account email you received when you created your account:

1. Log in to your BigCommerce account. Click on the My Account tab. Click on the Subscription link. Click on the Cancel Subscription link.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.