Hosting » VPS » How do I enable remote desktop audio in Windows VPS?

How do I enable remote desktop audio in Windows VPS?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 3:48 pm

If you want to be able to listen to audio files that are being streamed over the internet while you are working on your computer, you will need to enable remote desktop audio in your Windows VPS. This can be done by following these steps:

1. Open the Control Panel.

2. Click on the Network and Internet category.

3. Click on the Remote Network Connections icon.

4. Right-click on the connection you want to modify and select Properties.

5. On the Remote tab, click on the Audio Streaming tab.

6. Check the Enable box and then enter the port number of the audio streaming service you want to use.

7. Click on the OK button to apply the changes.

8. Close the Properties dialog box.

9. Restart your computer.

After you have restarted your computer, you should now be able to listen to audio files that are being streamed over the internet while you are working on your computer.

PRO TIP: Remote Desktop Audio can be enabled in Windows VPS, but it is not recommended. This feature can allow an attacker to gain access to your system and eavesdrop on your conversations.
Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.