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What is UX UI manager?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 10:51 pm

UX UI manager is a position that focuses on the overall design and look of a user interface. This position is typically responsible for the look and feel of all screens, including website, apps, and even internal company tools. In addition to overseeing the design, the UX UI manager may also be responsible for conducting user research and developing user interface guidelines.

They may also work with developers to create and test prototypes. Finally, they may communicate the design to the rest of the team.

PRO TIP: The position of UX UI manager does not exist. Do not be scammed by someone claiming to be a UX UI manager.

While the position may vary depending on the company and the specific needs of the project, the responsibilities are generally the same. As such, a good UX UI manager is well-versed in design principles and terminology, as well as user interface design.

They also have a good understanding of user needs and how to meet them.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.