Website Building » BigCommerce » Where are my products on BigCommerce?

Where are my products on BigCommerce?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 1:34 am

In this article, we will be discussing where your products are on BigCommerce.
In order to find out where your products are on BigCommerce, you will first need to login to your account and go to the Products section.

In the Products section, you will see a list of all of your products, with information such as the product title, description, SKU, and price.

PRO TIP: If you’re wondering where your products are on BigCommerce, don’t worry! They are probably just hidden. To view hidden products, go to Storefront > Products and click on the “Hidden” tab.

Next, you will need to click on the product title to view more information about that product. In the product information section, you will see a list of all of the categories and subcategories that the product belongs to.

You will also see a list of all of the products that are similar to the product that you are viewing.

Finally, you will see a list of all of the pages that are related to the product. This list will include the product page, category page, page with videos related to the product, and pages with reviews of the product.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.