Website Building » BigCommerce » How to edit BigCommerce email templates?

How to edit BigCommerce email templates?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 1:39 am

If you’re looking to improve the look and feel of your BigCommerce emails, you’ll want to edit your templates. You can easily do this by opening your email template in a text editor like Microsoft Word or Google Docs, and making the necessary changes. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

1. Edit the text formatting.

You can change the font, font size, and alignment of text to make your emails look more professional.

2. Change the colors.

You can change the colors of text, background colors, and even the borders around images to make your emails look more appealing.

3. Add a header and footer.

You can add a header and footer to your email template to help you organize your content.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with HTML or CSS, do not attempt to edit your BigCommerce email templates. You could unintentionally break the code and cause your emails to display incorrectly. If you need to make changes to your email templates, we recommend working with a developer or designer who is comfortable working with code.

4. Add images.

You can add images to your email template to add visual appeal.

5. Add links.

You can add links to other pages in your BigCommerce store to help your customers get to the information they need.

6. Change the layout.

You can change the layout of your email template to make it look more organized.

Ultimately, you can customize your BigCommerce email templates to make them look and feel more professional. By following these tips, you’ll be able to create emails that your customers will love!.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.