Website Building » BigCommerce » How can I remove powered by BigCommerce?

How can I remove powered by BigCommerce?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 1:44 am

For many businesses, powered by BigCommerce is a necessary part of their online sales operations. But, like any other tool, it can be difficult to remove if it’s no longer necessary or if it’s causing issues.

There are a few different ways to remove powered by BigCommerce:

1. Remove the plugin from your site.

This is the easiest way to remove powered by BigCommerce, and it can be done by visiting the plugin’s website and clicking the “Remove” button.

2. Use a plugin to remove powered by BigCommerce.

There are a few plugins available that can help remove powered by BigCommerce from your site. One example is the WPBakery Page Builder powered by BigCommerce removal plugin.

PRO TIP: If you remove “Powered by BigCommerce” from your store, your store will no longer be compliant with our Terms of Service and you risk having your store suspended.

3. Remove powered by BigCommerce from your site using a plugin.

If you don’t want to remove the plugin from your site, you can use a plugin to do it for you.

4. Use a third-party removal tool.

If you don’t want to remove the plugin from your site or use a plugin, you can use a third-party removal tool to do it. One example is My Website Removal.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.