Website Building » BigCommerce » How do I design on BigCommerce?

How do I design on BigCommerce?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 1:46 am

Designing on BigCommerce can be a daunting task, but with a little bit of guidance, it’s not too difficult. Here are some tips to get started:

1. Start by understanding the platform’s layout.

BigCommerce provides a wide range of templates and built-in features, so it’s important to understand how the platform works before starting to design. Once you have a general understanding of how the platform works, you can start to customize the layout to better suit your needs.

2. Use the built-in tools.

BigCommerce provides a wide range of built-in tools that can be used to create and manage your store. These tools include product pages, category pages, product reviews, and more.

3. Use templates.

BigCommerce also provides a wide range of pre-made templates that can be used to help speed up the design process. These templates include a shopping cart, product pages, and more.

4. Use fonts and colors.

When designing on BigCommerce, it’s important to use fonts and colors that are appropriate for the platform. For example, fonts should be designed for legibility on small screens, and colors should be chosen to match the rest of the site.

5. Use images.

When designing on BigCommerce, it’s important to use images that are appropriate for the platform. For example, images should be designed to be responsive so they look good on all devices.

PRO TIP: When designing on BigCommerce, it is important to be aware of the potential for your design to impact the functionality of your store. If you are not careful, your design could interfere with the checkout process, result in customer data being lost, or cause other problems. Be sure to test your design thoroughly before making it live to avoid any potential issues.

6. Use AJAX.

When designing on BigCommerce, it’s important to use AJAX to improve the user experience. AJAX can be used to create dynamic content, create form submissions, and more.

7. Use CSS3.

When designing on BigCommerce, it’s important to use CSS3 to improve the look and feel of the site. CSS3 can be used to create more realistic graphics, improve animation performance, and more.

8. Use web fonts.

When designing on BigCommerce, it’s important to use web fonts to improve the look and feel of the site. Web fonts can be used to create more realistic graphics, improve animation performance, and more.

9. Use Google Analytics.

When designing on BigCommerce, it’s important to use Google Analytics to track user activity and performance. This information can be used to improve the design of the site.

10. Use a web design agency.

When designing on BigCommerce, it’s important to use a web design agency. A web design agency can provide guidance and help to speed up the design process.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.