Website Building » BigCommerce » How to add age verification BigCommerce?

How to add age verification BigCommerce?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 1:50 am

Adding age verification to your BigCommerce store is a simple process that can help keep your customers safe. There are a number of different methods you can use to verify age, and you can find more information on the BigCommerce support site.

Once you’ve added age verification, you’ll need to configure your store to use it. Here’s how to do it:.

1. On the Store Settings page, click the Security tab.

2. Under the Age Verification heading, click the Add a New Age Verification Method link.

3. In the Add Age Verification Method dialog box, click the Method you want to use.

4. In the Age Verification Method dialog box, enter the information you need to verify age.

5. Click the OK button to add the age verification method to your store.

6. To configure your store to use the age verification method, click the Security tab, and under the Age Verification heading, click the Manage Age Verification Settings link.

7. In the Age Verification Settings dialog box, click the Use this Age Verification Method check box to enable it.

8. In the Age Verification Method dialog box, click the Select a Page to Verify link.

9. In the Select a Page to Verify dialog box, select the page on which you want to verify age.

10. Click the OK button to set the age verification method up.

11. To verify age, visitors must enter the information you’ve specified in the Age Verification Method dialog box.

12. If the visitor is over the age you’ve specified, the Age Verification Method dialog box will display an error message.

13. If the visitor is not over the age you’ve specified, the Age Verification Method dialog box will display the age verification page you selected.

14. After the visitor has entered the information you’ve specified, click the OK button to verify the age and proceed to the checkout process.

15. If the visitor is not over the age you’ve specified, you can click the Cancel Age Verification button to return to the Age Verification Settings dialog box and add a new age verification method.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that adding age verification to your BigCommerce store can be a complicated process. Make sure to thoroughly research the subject before attempting to add this feature to your store.
Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.