Website Building » BigCommerce » Where are footer scripts BigCommerce?

Where are footer scripts BigCommerce?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 1:53 am

An elaborated article on footer scripts in BigCommerce:

Footer scripts are scripts that are placed at the bottom of the page and run after all of the content on the page has been loaded. Footer scripts can help with things like adding social media links, displaying customer information, and more.

When it comes to footer scripts, BigCommerce has a lot to offer. The platform has both custom footer scripts and built-in scripts.

Custom footer scripts allow you to create your own templates and then add in the necessary code. Built-in scripts, on the other hand, come pre-packaged with BigCommerce and offer a wide variety of features.

PRO TIP: Footer scripts are generally used to load external JavaScript files or to add HTML markup at the end of the web page. However, in some cases, these scripts may be malicious and may cause damage to your computer. Therefore, it is advisable to scan these scripts before running them on your computer.

One of the benefits of using a built-in script is that it’s easy to find. All of the scripts are located in the “footer” section of your shop’s admin area.

Additionally, most of the built-in scripts offer a variety of options that you can tweak to fit your shop’s specific needs.

Overall, footer scripts are a great way to add additional functionality to your shop’s pages. BigCommerce has a wide variety of options available, so there’s sure to be a script that fits your needs.

If you’re looking to add a footer script to your shop, be sure to check out BigCommerce’s library.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.