If you have a domain with GoDaddy, it may take up to 30 days to receive a refund. If there were any issues with your domain registration, such as not receiving the registration confirmation email, please let us know and we will help to get the process moving as quickly as possible.
PRO TIP: Please be aware that it may take up to 45 days to process a refund request with GoDaddy. Be sure to keep any relevant documentation handy when submitting your request.
In most cases, refunds are issued within a few days of notification.
8 Related Question Answers Found
Will GoDaddy refund my money?
There is no definite answer as to whether or not GoDaddy will refund your money. The decision ultimately rests with the company, and it is ultimately up to them whether or not they decide to do so. However, based on the information provided, it seems as though GoDaddy may not be inclined to refund your money.
Can I cancel GoDaddy and get a refund?
Yes, you can cancel your GoDaddy account and receive a full refund. To do so, follow these steps:
1. Log in to your account
How much is GoDaddy a year?
GoDaddy is a multinational corporation that offers a variety of services and products. In fiscal year 2018, GoDaddy reported total revenue of $10.7 billion. This corresponds to an annual revenue of $186.9 million.
How much should I pay for GoDaddy website?
When you are considering registering a new website, there are a few things to keep in mind. The first is the domain name. The domain name should be unique and reflect your business or organization.
How long does it take GoDaddy to transfer a domain?
When you sign up for a domain with GoDaddy, you are given the option to have your domain transferred to us automatically when it expires. This usually takes about 1-2 hours, but can take up to 24 hours during peak times.
How much does GoDaddy cost per year?
The cost of a GoDaddy account per year is $5.99. This price includes the cost of a domain name and hosting service. There is also a monthly fee for the hosting service.
How much is it to buy a domain on GoDaddy?
When looking to purchase a domain name on GoDaddy, the price will depend on the domain name’s length and the extension it is registered under. For example, a .com domain will cost more than a . net domain.
How much is GoDaddy domain per year?
Domain prices vary greatly depending on the name, registry, and location. A popular GoDaddy domain can cost anywhere from $10 to $100 per year.