Hosting » AWS » What is a AWS D1 1 certification?

What is a AWS D1 1 certification?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 5:41 pm

AWS D1 1 certification is an advanced certification for AWS professionals. It is designed to assess a candidate’s ability to operate and manage AWS resources in a highly scalable and reliable environment.

Candidates must pass an exam with a passing score of 70% or higher in order to receive the AWS D1 1 certification.

PRO TIP: AWS D1 1 certification is a certification that is no longer offered by Amazon.

The AWS D1 1 certification is a valuable credential for AWS professionals who want to demonstrate their mastery of the platform. It can help employers differentiate their candidates, and it can give candidates a competitive edge when applying for jobs or pursuing promotions within AWS.

The AWS D1 1 certification is an important qualification for anyone who wants to work with AWS, and it can help you become an expert in the platform. If you’re interested in pursuing the AWS D1 1 certification, be sure to study for the exam and take it with a passing score of 70%.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.