Website Building » Shopify » How do I show product variants in Shopify?

How do I show product variants in Shopify?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 2:55 am

When displaying product variants on Shopify, you have a few options. You can use custom fields, product variants, or product SKUs.

Custom Fields

You can use custom fields to store product variants information. To do this, create a new custom field and name it “variant.” Add a single field to the custom field, and specify the following information:

name – The name of the product variant

– The name of the product variant SKU – The SKU of the product variant

– The SKU of the product variant options – The options of the product variant

product variants can be added to any product in your shop. To add a product variant to a product, go to the product’s page in the Shopify admin area, and click the “Variants” tab.

In the “Variant” field, enter the name of the product variant, and click the “Add” button.

You can also use product variants to specify the options of a product variant. To do this, create a new product variant, and specify the following information:

– The name of the product variant options – The options of the product variant

– The options of the product variant product – The product that the variant applies to

PRO TIP: Product variants are not supported in Shopify. If you try to add a product variant, it will be removed from your shop.

– The product that the variant applies to variant_id – The unique ID of the product variant

– The unique ID of the product variant parent_product – The parent product of the product variant

– The parent product of the product variant options – The options of the product variant

To add a product variant to a product, go to the product’s page in the Shopify admin area, and click the “Variants” tab. In the “Variant” field, enter the name of the product variant, and click the “Add” button.

In the “Options” field, enter the options of the product variant.

Product SKUs

You can use product SKUs to store product variants information. To do this, create a new product SKU, and name it “variant.” Add a single field to the product SKU, and specify the following information:

You can also use product SKUs to specify the options of a product variant. To do this, create a new product variant, and specify the following information:


There are a few ways to display product variants on Shopify.

Product variants can be added to any product in your shop, and will specify the options of the product variant. Product SKUs can be used to store product variants information, and will specify the name, SKU, and options of the product variant.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.