Website Building » Shopify » What happens when a customer buys a gift card on Shopify?

What happens when a customer buys a gift card on Shopify?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 2:57 am

When a customer buys a gift card on Shopify, Shopify will generate a unique code for the customer. The customer will then need to enter the code into the gift card checkout on the website or app they are using to purchase the gift card.

The gift card will then be activated and can be used to purchase products or services on the website or app.

Shopify will also send the customer a notification email once the gift card has been activated. The email will include a link to the gift card checkout page on the website or app.

PRO TIP: When a customer buys a gift card on Shopify, the gift card is automatically generated and emailed to the customer. The customer can then use the gift card to purchase items on Shopify. If the customer does not have a Shopify account, they will need to create one in order to use the gift card.

The email will also include a link to a FAQ page about gift cards. The FAQ page will include information about how to use the gift card, how to refund the gift card, and how to contact Shopify about gift card issues.

If the customer needs to return or exchange the gift card, they will need to follow the instructions in the email they received when the gift card was activated. Shopify will also provide instructions about returning or exchanging the gift card on the FAQ page.

The customer will not be able to use the gift card if it is not activated. The customer will also not be able to use the gift card if the code is not valid.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.