Website Building » Elementor » How do I add a gallery to an Elementor?

How do I add a gallery to an Elementor?

Last updated on December 20, 2022 @ 11:41 am

Adding a Gallery to an Elementor

Adding a gallery to your Elementor site is easy. Once you have added your gallery to your site, you can add gallery thumbnails and gallery descriptions to each image.

To add a gallery to your Elementor site:

1. Navigate to the Gallery tab on your Elementor site.

2. Click the Add Gallery button.

3. Enter the following information into the Gallery Details field:

  • Name: The name of your gallery.
  • Location: The URL of your gallery.
  • Description: A description of your gallery.

4. Click the Add Gallery Thumbnail button.

5. Enter the following information into the Gallery Thumbnail Details field:

  • Name: The name of the thumbnail image.
  • Location: The URL of the thumbnail image.
  • Size: The size of the thumbnail image.

6. Click the Add Gallery Description button.

7. Enter the following information into the Gallery Description field:

  • Name: The name of the gallery.
  • Type: The type of gallery.
  • Gallery: The gallery that this gallery description applies to.

8. Click the Add Gallery Thumbnail Gallery Description button.

9. Enter the following information into the Gallery Thumbnail Gallery Description field:

  • Name: The name of the thumbnail gallery.

10. Click the Save button.

11. Click the Close button.

12. Click the thumbnails of the gallery you just added.

13. Click the descriptions of the gallery you just added.

14. Change the type of gallery to Gallery and the gallery that this gallery description applies to to the Selected Gallery.

15. Congratulations! Your gallery is now added to your Elementor site.

PRO TIP: If you are using Elementor to create a website, be aware that you can add a gallery to an Elementor page. However, be sure to take care when doing so, as improper use of galleries can result in a website that is difficult to navigate and use. When adding a gallery, be sure to add it in a way that makes sense for your website’s layout and structure.
Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.