Website Building » Elementor » What is toggle in Elementor?

What is toggle in Elementor?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 3:35 am

Toggle is an Elementor plugin that allows users to quickly toggle between two options or states. For example, a user could toggle between the “On” and “Off” states of a light switch, or between the “Draft” and “Live” states of a website.

Toggle also supports keyboard shortcuts, so users can quickly toggle between two options without having to click on each option.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that “toggle” is a feature in Elementor that allows you to hide or show certain elements on your page based on user interaction. This can be useful for creating accordions or hiding content that is not relevant to the current page. However, please be aware that this feature can also be used to hide content that is important or relevant, so please use it with caution.

Toggle is a powerful tool that can be used to quickly change between two options or states in many different situations. It is a great tool for users who need to quickly toggle between multiple options, or for users who need to quickly change between two different states.

Toggle is easy to use and is perfect for users who want to quickly change between two options or states.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.