Website Building » Elementor » How do I customize WooCommerce product and product archive pages via Elementor?

How do I customize WooCommerce product and product archive pages via Elementor?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 3:44 am

Customizing WooCommerce product and product archive pages is easy with Elementor. Once you have created your product and product archive pages, you can use Elementor’s drag-and-drop builder to customize each page’s layout and content.

You can also add custom tabs, sections, and columns to your pages, and customize the look and feel of each page using Elementor’s built-in templates and widgets.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with coding or website development, we recommend that you do not attempt to customize your WooCommerce product and product archive pages via Elementor. Doing so could potentially break your website, and cause serious errors that could be difficult to fix. If you are not comfortable working with code, we recommend hiring a professional to help you with this task.

If you want to take your product customization even further, you can use Elementor’s built-in Elementor Page Builder to create custom pages for your products. With Elementor Page Builder, you can create custom pages for your products’ features, specs, images, and more.

You can also add custom widgets and snippets to your pages to make them more interactive and user-friendly.

Overall, Elementor makes it easy to customize your WooCommerce product and product archive pages to create pages that are tailored to your own brand and products. Whether you want to add custom tabs, sections, and columns, or create custom pages for your products’ features, specs, and images, Elementor makes it easy to get the job done.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.