Website Building » Elementor » What are global colors in Elementor?

What are global colors in Elementor?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 3:54 am

Global colors in Elementor are used to denote different states or conditions of a piece of content. For example, a global color might be used to indicate when a piece of content is being viewed in a preview mode, or when it is being edited.

Additionally, global colors might be used to indicate different types of content, such as text, images, or videos.

PRO TIP: Global colors in Elementor are colors that can be applied to any element on a page, and will update automatically if the color is changed. This can be very useful for creating a consistent look across a website, but can also lead to problems if not used carefully.

If global colors are not used carefully, they can lead to inconsistencies across a website. For example, if the color of a button is changed, all buttons on the site will be updated to that new color. This can be confusing for users and may cause them to click on the wrong button.

It is important to test any changes made with global colors carefully before publishing them. This will help ensure that your website looks and works as intended.

In general, global colors in Elementor can be used to create a more uniform and cohesive design. For example, by using a single global color for all text content, it can be easier to differentiate between different types of content.

Additionally, by using a common global color for all video content, it can be easier to identify which videos are being viewed in full-screen mode.

Overall, global colors in Elementor can be a useful way to standardize the look and feel of your content. By using a few well-chosen global colors, you can create a cohesive and visually appealing design.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.