Website Building » Elementor » What is hotspot in Elementor?

What is hotspot in Elementor?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 4:13 am

Hotspot is a feature in Elementor that helps you manage your content better. It lets you group your content by topic, and it gives you a visual overview of how much content you have for each topic.

Hotspot can also help you find and edit content more quickly. It can help you find and edit content across all of your content items, and it can even help you find and edit content in specific areas of your website.

PRO TIP: Hotspots are clickable areas on a page that can be used to trigger different actions, such as opening a popup or going to a different page. While they can be very useful, hotspots can also be disruptive if used improperly. For example, if a hotspot is placed in the middle of a paragraph of text, it can break up the flow of the text and make it difficult to read. Hotspots should only be used when they will improve the user experience, and not just for the sake of adding them.

Finally, hotspot can help you understand how your website is performing. It can help you find and fix problems with your website content, and it can even help you find and fix problems with your website design.

Overall, hotspot is a valuable tool that can help you manage your content better, find and edit content more quickly, and understand how your website is performing.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.