Website Building » Elementor » What is hover in Elementor?

What is hover in Elementor?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 4:13 am

Hover is an important feature in Elementor. It allows you to easily change the opacity of a selected element or group of elements.

Hovering over an element will display a floating window with two buttons: one to reduce the opacity of the element by a specific percentage, and one to completely opacity the element.

PRO TIP: Hover in Elementor refers to the action of hovering your mouse over an element on a web page. This can trigger a variety of effects, such as a change in color or animation. While hover effects can be visually appealing, they can also be intrusive and annoying. If you’re not careful, you may end up frustrating your users and driving them away from your site.

Hovering over a group of elements will similarly display a floating window, but with four buttons: one to reduce the opacity of all the elements by a specific percentage, one to completely opacity the group, one to toggle the visibility of the group, and one to toggle the visibility of each individual element in the group.

Using hover is a great way to easily control the opacity of elements in your design. If you’re struggling to find the right opacity for an element, hover over it and use one of the buttons to easily change the opacity.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.