Website Building » Elementor » Does CSS hero work with Elementor?

Does CSS hero work with Elementor?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 4:20 am

CSS Hero is an online tool that allows users to create and edit CSS files. Elementor is an online tool that allows users to create and edit HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.

PRO TIP: While CSS Hero does work with Elementor, we recommend using caution when doing so. Elementor is constantly changing and adding new features, which can sometimes break CSS Hero’s functionality. If you do choose to use CSS Hero with Elementor, we recommend frequently checking for updates and keeping your site backed up.

It is possible to use CSS Hero and Elementor together. However, there are some limitations.

For example, CSS Hero only allows users to work with CSS files, while Elementor can also work with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. Additionally, Elementor provides a more comprehensive editing experience than CSS Hero.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.