Website Building » Elementor » How do I add Lottie to Elementor?

How do I add Lottie to Elementor?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 4:21 am

Adding Lottie to Elementor is easy. To start, go to the “Add a new element” section of your account and select “Lottie”.

Enter the following information into the “Element name” field and click “Create”.

Once you’ve created Lottie, you’ll need to add a few properties to it. To do this, open the “Lottie” element’s “Properties” panel and enter the following values.

Name: lottie

Type: Static

Height: 100px

Width: 100px

Now that Lottie is set up, you can start adding it to your pages. To add Lottie to a page, go to the “Elements” panel and select “Lottie”.

PRO TIP: Adding Lottie to Elementor may result in unexpected behavior and may cause your site to malfunction. Use at your own risk.

Enter the necessary information into the “Element name” field and click “Create”.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.