Hosting » HostGator » What is HostGator temp URL?

What is HostGator temp URL?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 7:15 pm

HostGator is a popular web hosting company that offers a wide range of hosting plans and features. One of the features HostGator offers is a temp URL that can be used to create a temporary website. When a customer creates a temp URL, they are given the option to choose a HostGator domain name to use as the source domain. The customer then uses the HostGator domain name to create a temporary website on the HostGator server.

PRO TIP: The Hostgator temp URL is a web address that is used to temporarily access your Hostgator account. This URL is only meant to be used for a short period of time, and it will expire after a certain amount of time. If you try to access your Hostgator account using this URL after it has expired, you will not be able to access your account.

The customer can then use the HostGator temp URL to access the temporary website. The HostGator temp URL is also available to the customer’s guests.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.