Hosting » HostGator » How do I change my HostGator DNS?

How do I change my HostGator DNS?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 7:19 pm

If you are having trouble accessing your HostGator account or website, it is possible that the DNS settings are not correct.

To change your HostGator DNS:

1. Log into your HostGator account.

2. Click on the Account Settings link in the top right corner of the page.

3. On the Account Settings page, click on the DNS tab.

4. On the DNS tab, click on the Change Settings button.

5. On the Change Settings page, enter the new DNS server addresses into the Preferred and Alternate DNS fields.

6. Click on the Save Changes button.

7. Click on the Close button to return to the Account Settings page.

8. Click on the Home button in the top left corner of the page to return to the HostGator homepage.

9. If you are still having trouble accessing your HostGator account or website, please contact customer support.

PRO TIP: If you are changing your HostGator DNS, be sure to back up your current DNS information. This can be done by exporting your zone file. You will need to contact HostGator support to have them enable the backup option for your account.
Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.