Hosting » HostGator » How do I check HostGator logs?

How do I check HostGator logs?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 7:27 pm

There are a few ways to check HostGator logs. The first way is to open a Command Prompt and type -l. This will open the HostGator log in a text editor. The second way is to open the HostGator application and go to the “Logs” tab.

PRO TIP: When checking HostGator logs, be sure to use the most recent log file for the domain in question. If you are unsure of the domain name, please contact HostGator support for assistance. Additionally, be aware that the log files may contain sensitive information and should be handled with care.

The third way is to go to the “Support” tab and select “Logs Request.” The fourth way is to go to the “Support” tab and select “Logs Viewer.” The fifth way is to go to the “Support” tab and select “Logs Report.” The sixth way is to go to the “Support” tab and select “Logs Export.”.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.