Website Building » Weebly » What is a footer in Weebly?

What is a footer in Weebly?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 5:36 am

When you create a Weebly website, you’ll need a footer to hold all of your site’s important information. This footer includes your site’s name, copyright information, and contact information.

You’ll also want to include a disclaimer if you have any, and any other important information.

A Weebly footer is important for several reasons. First, it helps people find your website if they’re looking for it.

Second, it gives you a place to include important information like your copyright information and contact information. Finally, a footer can be a disclaimer if you have any.

PRO TIP: A footer is the bottom section of a website. It typically contains links to other pages on the site, contact information, and copyright information.

Weebly footers are usually located at the bottom of your website, just under the website’s title. You can create a footer by clicking the “Footer” button on the main “Page” screen.

Once you’re in the Footer screen, you can add your site’s name, copyright information, and contact information. You can also include a disclaimer if you have one.

A footer is a great way to keep your website organized and tidy. It can also help people find your website if they’re looking for it.

And, if you have any important information that you don’t want to appear on every page of your website, a footer is a great place to include it.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.