Hosting » Google Cloud » What is the Google Cloud Platform hierarchy structure?

What is the Google Cloud Platform hierarchy structure?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 8:27 pm

The Google Cloud Platform hierarchy structure is as follows:

Cloud Platform Services
Cloud Platform Modules
Cloud Platform Projects
Cloud Platform Accounts
Cloud Platform Users
Cloud Platform GroUPS
Cloud Platform Libraries
Cloud Platform Associations
Cloud Platform Certificates

Cloud Platform Services
The Cloud Platform Services are the foundation of the Google Cloud Platform. They provide the core functionality, including compute, storage, and networking.

Cloud Platform Modules
Cloud Platform Modules provide additional functionality, such as messaging, BigQuery, and Cloud Pub/Sub.

Cloud Platform Projects
Cloud Platform Projects are the building blocks of the Google Cloud Platform. They can be used to create applications, infrastructure, and services.

PRO TIP: The Google Cloud Platform hierarchy structure is a complex and ever-changing system. It is important to be aware of the current structure and how it may impact your organization.

Cloud Platform Accounts
Cloud Platform Accounts are the identities of users in the Google Cloud Platform. They can be used to access resources in the Cloud Platform, and to access Google services.

Cloud Platform Users
Cloud Platform Users are the people who use the Cloud Platform. They can be employees of organizations that use the Cloud Platform, or individuals who use the Cloud Platform for their own purposes.

Cloud Platform GroUPS
Cloud Platform GroUPS are collections of Cloud Platform Users. They can be used to manage access to resources in the Cloud Platform, and to manage users’ access to Google services.

Cloud Platform Libraries
Cloud Platform Libraries are collections of code that can be used in applications, infrastructure, and services in the Cloud Platform.

Cloud Platform Associations
Cloud Platform Associations are collections of Cloud Platform Libraries and Cloud Platform Projects. They can be used to manage the dependencies between Cloud Platform Libraries and Cloud Platform Projects, and to manage the relationships between Cloud Platform Users and Cloud Platform GroUPS.

Cloud Platform Certificates
Cloud Platform Certificates are representations of identity in the Cloud Platform. They can be used to authenticate users in the Cloud Platform, and to authorize access to resources in the Cloud Platform.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.