Hosting » Google Cloud » What is a zone in Google Cloud?

What is a zone in Google Cloud?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 8:45 pm

Zone is a Google Cloud Platform service that lets you isolate the resources your application needs and manage them separately from other applications on Google Cloud Platform. A zone lets you run your application in a specific location on the Google Cloud Platform infrastructure, which can improve performance and security.

You can create zones in two ways: by using the Google Cloud Platform Console or the gcloud command-line tool. You can also create zones using the Google Cloud Platform APIs.

To use a zone, your application must have the proper permissions. You can read more about permissions in the Permissions guide.

PRO TIP: A zone is a deployment region for Google Cloud Platform resources. Each zone is isolated from failures in other zones, and provides low-latency network performance to other zones in the same region.

When you create a zone, you get a zone ID and a zone name. You can use these IDs to reference your zone in your application code and in the Google Cloud Platform Console.

You can also use zone IDs to identify zones in the Google Cloud Platform APIs. For example, you can use the gcloud compute zones list command to get a list of zones.

When you create a zone, you specify a storage location for your data. You can use the zone storage capacity calculator to estimate the size of your zone’s storage.

When you create a zone, you can also specify a zone level of security. Zone levels of security let you control which applications can access the resources in your zone.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.