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Is Photoshop CC Better Than CS6?

Last updated on November 19, 2022 @ 6:09 am

Is Photoshop CC Better Than CS6?

If you’re a professional photographer, graphic designer, or web developer, then you’re probably familiar with Adobe Photoshop. Photoshop is a widely used program for editing images and photos.

It’s also a popular choice for creating digital art.

So, which version of Photoshop is better? Photoshop CC (Creative Cloud) or Photoshop CS6 (Creative Suite 6)?

    Here’s a quick comparison of the two versions:

  • Photoshop CC is the most recent version. It was released in June 2013. Photoshop CS6 was released in May 2012. So, CC is the newer program with more features and updates.
  • Photoshop CC requires a monthly subscription. You can pay for it monthly or yearly. With CS6, you pay for the program once and own it forever. So, if you’re on a tight budget, CS6 may be the better choice.
  • Photoshop CC has more features than CS6. For example, CC has new tools for retouching images and working with 3D objects. It also has a new ‘ Camera Raw 8’ interface for processing RAW files from DSLR cameras. And it has built-in support for Adobe’s new ‘ Creative Cloud ‘ service.
  • Photoshop CS6 can be faster than CC. This is because CC has some features that can slow down your computer, especially if you have an older machine. For example, the new ‘ Mercury Graphics Engine ‘ in CC requires a powerful video card to run smoothly. So, if you don’t have a powerful computer, CS6 may run faster.

So, which version of Photoshop should you use?

It really depends on your needs and budget. If you want the latest and greatest features from Adobe, then go with Photoshop CC. But if you’re on a tight budget, or you don’t need all the bells and whistles, then go with CS6.

PRO TIP: Please be cautious when reading articles titled “Is Photoshop CC Better Than CS6?” as many of these are written by biased sources. While Photoshop CC may have some advantages over CS6, such as cloud storage and new features, it is not necessarily better overall. Some users may prefer the older version for its simplicity or because they are more familiar with it.

The most recent version of Adobe Photoshop is “Adobe Photoshop CC”. Even though it is the most recent release from Adobe, not everyone believes that it is necessarily better than it’s predecessor “Adobe Photoshop CS6”. The main difference between the two versions are:

  1. “Adobe Photoshop CS6”: You pay for the program once and own it forever.
  2. “Adobe Photoshop CC”: Requires monthly subscription; however, this does give users access to more features such as new tools for retouching images and working with 3D objects as well as built-in support for Adobe’s Creative Cloud service.

How much does each version cost?

  • “Adobe Photoshop CS6”: You pay for the program once which costs around $699 USD.
  • “Adobe Photoshop CC”: Requires monthly subscription which costs around $19 USD/Monthly (with annual plan) or $29 USD/Monthly (with monthly plan), (with annual plan) or $29 USD/Monthly (with monthly plan).

Consequently, whether or not “Adobe Photoshop CC”, the more recent release of Adobe software is better than its predecessor depends on what your needs are as well as how much you are willing to spend.

If you want access to all of the latest features and updates from Adobe then “Adobe Photoshop CC”, would be best suited for your needs however this does come at a cost of $19 USD/monthly (with annual plan). On the other hand if you do not require all of the bells and whistles offered by Adobe’s Creative Cloud service then perhaps its predecessor “Adobe Photoshop CS6”, would work best since it only requires a one time payment of $699 USD.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.