Web Design » Photoshop » How Do I Add a Green Screen in Photoshop?

How Do I Add a Green Screen in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 23, 2022 @ 10:07 pm

When it comes to adding a green screen in Photoshop, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. First, you need to make sure that the green screen is properly lit. This means that there should be no hot spots or shadows on the green screen. If there are, it will make it harder for Photoshop to properly key out the green screen.

Second, you need to make sure that the green screen is evenly lit. This means that all parts of the green screen should be the same brightness. If not, it will again make it harder for Photoshop to key out the green screen.

Once you have your green screen set up and lit properly, you can then begin adding it into Photoshop. To do this, simply open up Photoshop and create a new layer. Then, drag your green screen image into this new layer.

Once the image is in the layer, go to the “Edit” menu and select “Transform.” From here, you will want to select “Scale.” You will then want to resize the image so that it fits into your composition.

Once you have the image sized properly, you can then begin keying out the green screen. To do this, go to the “Select” menu and choose “Color Range.”

From here, click on the black area of the image and drag it over the green screen area. This will select all of the green pixels in the image. Once they are selected, hit delete on your keyboard and they will be removed from the image.

Now that you have removed the green pixels from your image, you can add in your own background. To do this, simply create a new layer and drag your background image into it.

Once the background is in place, go to the “Layer” menu and select “Layer Mask.” From here, click on the “Add Layer Mask” button and your background will be visible through the transparent areas of your foreground image.

PRO TIP: Using a green screen in Photoshop can be tricky and may result in unwanted artifacts in your image. Be sure to use a high-quality green screen image and follow the steps carefully to avoid any issues.


By following these simple steps, you can easily add a green screen into Photoshop and key out the background for a more professional look.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.