Web Design » Photoshop » How Do I Create a Drip Effect in Photoshop?

How Do I Create a Drip Effect in Photoshop?

Last updated on November 20, 2022 @ 1:30 pm

Drip effects are a great way to add interest and style to your photos, and they’re easy to create in Photoshop. Here’s how:

1. Start with a photo that has good contrast and clear lines.

A photo with lots of detail will work best. For this example, we’ll use a photo of a cityscape.

2. Duplicate the background layer by pressing Command+J (PC: Ctrl+J).

3. Go to Filter > Distort > Wave. Use the following settings:

  • Number of Generators: 4
  • Wavelength Min: 150
  • Wavelength Max: 300
  • Scale: 150%

4. Click OK.


: How Do I Create a Drip Effect in Photoshop?

Creating a drip effect in Photoshop is easy! Simply start with a high contrast photo with clear lines, duplicate the background layer, and go to Filter > Distort > Wave.

Use the following settings: Number of Generators: 4, Wavelength Min: 150, Wavelength Max: 300, Scale: 150%. Click OK and you’re done!

PRO TIP: This note is to warn you about the possible dangers of creating a drip effect in Photoshop. While it may seem like a fun and easy way to add some flair to your photos, it can actually be quite dangerous. If not done correctly, you can end up with some serious burns or even start a fire. So, please be careful and use caution when attempting this technique.
Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.