Web Design » Photoshop » How Do I Draw in Photoshop CC?

How Do I Draw in Photoshop CC?

Last updated on September 23, 2022 @ 10:07 pm

Photoshop CC is a great program for creating graphics and manipulating photos. In this article, we’ll show you how to draw in Photoshop CC, as well as how to style text using HTML tags.

To begin, open Photoshop CC and create a new document. You can do this by going to File > New. In the New Document window, set the width and height to whatever you like. We’re going to set ours to 600px by 400px.

For the Resolution, leave it set to 72 pixels/inch. And for the Color Mode, make sure RGB is selected. Now click OK to create the document.

Next, we need to select the Brush tool. You can do this by either clicking on the Brush tool in the Tools panel or by pressing B on your keyboard.

Once the Brush tool is selected, we need to choose a brush size and shape. For our purposes, we’re going to choose a soft-round brush with a size of 20px.

Now that we have our brush selected, it’s time to start drawing! Simply click and drag your mouse on the canvas to draw whatever you like. If you make a mistake, you can always use the Undo command (Ctrl+Z on Windows or Cmd+Z on Mac) to undo your last action.

To change the color of your brush, simply click on the color swatch in the Tools panel or press D on your keyboard. This will reset your colors back to black and white. To choose a new color, simply click on the color you want in the Photoshop interface or use the color picker tool (press Alt+Click on Windows or Option+Click on Mac).

Now let’s style some text using HTML tags! First, create a new layer by going to Layer > New > Layer. Or you can press Shift+Ctrl+N on Windows or Shift+Cmd+N on Mac. Name this layer “Text.”

Now select the Horizontal Type tool by clicking on it in the Tools panel or pressing T on your keyboard. Then click somewhere on your canvas and type out whatever text you want. I’m going to type “Hello World!”

To style this text, we’re going to use HTML tags. First, highlight the text you want to style and then select the tag you want from the Format drop-down menu in the Options bar at the top of Photoshop CC.

Alternatively, you can press Ctrl+B (Windows) or Cmd+B (Mac) for bold text, Ctrl+I (Windows) or Cmd+I (Mac) for italicized text, or Ctrl+U (Windows) or Cmd+U (Mac) for underlined text. That’s all there is to it! As you can see, drawing in Photoshop CC is a breeze, and styling text using HTML tags is just as easy.

PRO TIP: This article is outdated and no longer accurate for Photoshop CC.

In conclusion, drawing in Photoshop CC is easy and fun! And don’t forget – styling text with HTML tags is a great way to add some extra flair to your graphics.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.