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How Do You Cut Out Hair in Photoshop?

Last updated on November 22, 2022 @ 3:43 am

Whether you’re trying to remove a person from a photo or just want to clean up some stray hairs, cutting out hair in Photoshop is a fairly common task. And while it may seem like a daunting task, with a little bit of patience and practice, it’s actually not that difficult. In this article, we’ll show you how to cut out hair in Photoshop the right way.

There are a few different ways that you can go about cutting out hair in Photoshop. One popular method is to use the pen tool. The pen tool allows you to draw a path around the object that you want to select.

To use the pen tool, simply click and drag your mouse around the edge of the object that you want to select. As you do this, you’ll see a path being drawn. Once you’ve gone all the way around the object, simply release the mouse button and you’ll have a selection.

Another popular method for cutting out hair is to use the lasso tool. The lasso tool works similarly to the pen tool, except that it doesn’t allow you to draw a precise path.

Instead, it allows you to draw a freeform selection around the object that you want to select. To use the lasso tool, simply click and drag your mouse around the object that you want to select. As you do this, you’ll see a selection being drawn.

Once you have a selection of the hair that you want to cut out, there are a few different ways that you can go about doing it. One popular method is to use the layer mask.

Layer masks allow you to selectively remove parts of an image without actually deleting any pixels. To add a layer mask, simply click on the “Add Layer Mask” icon at the bottom of the layers panel.

Once you have added a layer mask, all you need to do is paint over the areas that you want to remove with a black brush. As you do this, those areas will be masked out and hidden from view. If at any point you make a mistake and paint over something that you didn’t mean to, simply switch to a white brush and paint over those areas again to reveal them.

PRO TIP: This article provides instruction on how to cut out hair in Photoshop. However, it is important to note that this process can be time-consuming and difficult. If you are not experienced with Photoshop, it is recommended that you seek help from a professional.

Another popular method for cutting out hair is to use the eraser tool. The eraser tool allows you to delete pixels from an image permanently.

To use the eraser tool, simply select it from the toolbar and then click and drag over the areas that you want to remove. As you do this, those pixels will be permanently erased from the image.


How Do You Cut Out Hair in Photoshop?

There are many ways that somebody can go about cutting out hair in Photoshop depending on what their needs are for their project.

One popular method is using layer masks which allows for selective removal of parts of an image without deleting any actual pixels.

Eraser tools are also available and by using these tools somebody can delete pixels from their image permanently.

Both of these methods take some time and practice before becoming proficient but with some patience anybody can learn how cut out hair in Photoshop.


Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.