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Can You Run Full Photoshop on iPad Pro?

Last updated on September 23, 2022 @ 11:30 pm

The iPad Pro is a powerful piece of hardware, but can it replace a traditional computer when it comes to running full Photoshop

The short answer is no. Adobe Photoshop is a complex piece of software that requires a considerable amount of processing power and storage. The iPad Pro simply doesn’t have the same capabilities as a desktop computer or even a high-end laptop.

PRO TIP: Can You Run Full Photoshop on iPad Pro?

No, you cannot run the full version of Photoshop on an iPad Pro. The iPad Pro is not powerful enough to handle the full Photoshop program.

However, that doesn’t mean the iPad Pro can’t be used for basic photo editing. There are a number of apps available that offer similar functionality to Photoshop, albeit on a smaller scale. And with the addition of the Apple Pencil, the iPad Pro becomes an even more attractive option for creative professionals.

So while you can’t run full Photoshop on iPad Pro, it’s still a powerful and versatile device that has a lot to offer creative users.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.